A Complete Guide About the Classic and Contemporary Lightening

Lightning always plays an important role in the decoration of the interior of the house. The lights emitted from these lights can make the house more attractive and can help us to concentrate by creating such an environment. However, the choice of these lights has been come too far, from contemporary to classical choices.

Here we are going to focus on both the types of lightning and their features. 

Where you can find the best chandeliers?

To get beautiful, mesmerizing lights Safari is the best choice that you ever could make. It has been manufacturing high-quality chandeliers for over 10 years which are getting sold worldwide including in North America and Europe. Here you can find varieties of chandeliers including the globe chandelier lights and different shapes of glass and crystal chandeliers.

Comparison and contrast between the classic to contemporary lighting

  • Classic lightning

The journey from classic to contemporary has continued for a long time ago. The classic lighting begins at the time of the 1700s. It is considered an evolution of the candles where the lights were modified with glass shapes. It usually stays vintage and reflects the culture and the era of its origin.

These lights are basically of different designs and colors that truly represent its golden era. These are beautiful lights with a base made up of brass, bronze-like material along with a long-extended arm that holds the light. Some of them also have beautiful globes for the lights made up of glass, crystals, and ceramics. Its major advantage is that it is quite energy-efficient.

  • Contemporary lightning

The contemporary one is all about the modern lighting of the houses and offices. It started in the 1950s and 60s. These lights are simple and sharp. It includes different solid colors, symmetry, and shapes as well you can manage its angle According to your convenience.

Types of Globe Lights

The lights that you use in the chandelier can also put a great impact on the room as they have their technique to emit the lights. So here are some of the lights that you can consider:

  • Fluorescent light globe: these types of light are quite energy-efficient and also, they produce less heat as compared to the others. Also, they are much more durable and have a low cost of production. They usually produce diffusing light.
  • LED light Globe: these are home décor lights with considerable efficiency and durability. These are suitable for all kinds of places starting from bedrooms to playgrounds. You can also use this on special occasions in different ceremonies.
  • Halogen globes: these lights are also known as quartz lights, they produce solid, warm, and bright light suitable for study rooms. 

Glass globe Linear chandelier

These chandeliers are highly elegant modern interpretations of the classic chandeliers. These chandeliers carry frosted glass globes distributed around a classy golden base rod. Here LED lights have been used that produce a uniform light all over the room without any directional lighting. These chandeliers will give a classic and modern look to your house.


Both the contemporary and classic lights can greatly alter the look of your interior and can enhance the lighting of the room.


By Remi