6 Tips For First-Time Vacation Rental Owners On Safety

As a first-time vacation rental host, you must consider a number of factors to ensure that your vacation home is a successful and profitable investment. You’ve found the ideal property, furnished it, and advertised it, and now you’re waiting for the calls. But, in the meantime, make sure you’re taking all necessary precautions to keep your rental safe and secure, both when it’s empty and when it’s occupied.

Make Your Vacation Rental Appear Lived In Even If It Isn’t.

Giving the appearance that your rental is occupied is a great way to keep it safe and secure. If you live nearby, you can do some of these things as part of your regular home maintenance. If you live more than a short distance away, enlist the assistance of a trusted neighbor or hire a professional contractor to handle yard and maintenance issues.

  1. Maintain A Clean Yard.

Mow the grass on a regular basis, water the flowers, and, if you live in a snowy area, shovel the snow from the driveway and sidewalks to keep it looking presentable during the winter. This also means that you shouldn’t let your mailbox get too full and that you should collect all of the takeout and car service flyers that advertisers leave on your front porch.

  1. Switch On The Lights

Set your home’s lights on a timer and have a few of them turn on in the evening. Motion sensor lights are also an easy and inexpensive way to keep your home out of the dark and provide fewer hiding places for intruders.

  1. Locate An Extra Pair Of Eyes

An outdoor camera is always a good idea, but befriending a neighbor you trust can also be a useful security measure. Request that they notify you if they notice anything suspicious, and ensure that they have your contact information so that they can reach you in an emergency.

  1. Invest In A Quality Lock – And Use It.

Many vacation rentals use smart locks and other automated check-in systems because it allows guests to access the property without having to check in at an office or meet with the homeowners for a key. When you leave the house, whether you use a smart lock or a regular key, make sure all windows and doors are locked. Don’t stow a spare key under the mat, in a phony rock, or in a potted plant. Rather, purchase a lockbox or give an extra key to a trusted neighbor.

A home security system is another useful tool for allowing you and your guests to sleep soundly at night. This extra precaution gives them a sense of security while they are in a new place, which is priceless for many families.

  1. Do Not Claim That It Is Empty.

Outside your rental, a “For Rent” or “Vacancy” sign can send the wrong message to the wrong people. Instead, use trusted online sources to advertise that your home is available for rent, such as your own vacation rental website, listing sites, or online travel agencies.

Key west houses for rent are popular among travelers looking for a relaxing, home-away-from-home experience. Taking the aforementioned precautions will help ensure that everything runs smoothly and securely, leaving you with less to worry about – no matter how far you are from your property.

By Remi