People who are successful in business despite being unable to speak

A little over 1% of the population suffers from speech disorders, such as stuttering. It is still ridiculed in school and public life.

People with stuttering difficulties find acceptance in all walks of life because there are not enough people to help them.

Many people have achieved great success in business and politics after struggling with stuttering during their childhood, teenage or adult years.

In this post we will introduce to you business tycoons, who made it big in business after they failed.


Richard Branson is an investor, business-magnet, author, and philanthropist who controls over 400 companies in different industries. Most of his businesses have the Virgin brand name, which includes Virgin Galactic (Virgin Atlantic), and Virgin Records. estimates that his net wealth at the time of writing is $4.9B. Like all business tycoons, he’s had his share failures. Richard continued to push forward.

Richard Branson’s charismatic personality and innovative style of work are well-known. Millions of people all over the globe admire Branson and follow him.

But, did we know that Richard Branson was one of the most successful people? He had an abysmal childhood.

Yes, it’s hard today to imagine Richard as an eighteen-year-old boy who was dyslexic and had stuttering problems. Richard left high school after his headmaster warned him that he was either going to become a millionaire and/or ending up in prison.

If you’re a stuttering person and wonder if you can talk in public confidently, interact with clients, vendors, and lead a group of employees, remember that Richard Branson did it and so can you!


Jack Welch (American business executive, writer, and chemical engineering engineer) was the Chairman & CEO of General Electric from 1981 to 2001. Jack Welch passed away on March 1, 2020 at age 84.

He started his career with the company in the role of a junior chemical engineers and eventually rose to the position of chief executive. The benefits to hiring talented individuals who have failed in their first job were probably known by the company’s recruiting staff.

GE’s valued rose from $12B and $280B to his time as its CEO. GE expanded into the emerging markets, and he supervised 600 acquisitions.


Malcolm Fraser, an American entrepreneur, founded Genuine Parts Company. Malcolm was an American businessman who was born and raised near Cornwall-on-Hudson in New York.

Malcolm was in his 40s and still had a significant stuttering problem. He knew all about the struggles and triumphs that people who stutter face. So he decided to help those who stutter.

He devised an idea to create a nonprofit organization. Malcolm started the Stuttering Foundation of America when he was 44 years old.

Malcolm was the person who gave the foundation its largest endowment of $10 million. Malcolm began working with Dr. Charles Van Riper when he created the Stuttering Foundation of America. Van Riper is an authority figure who specializes in speech-language pathology.

This non-profit charitable organisation has made a great contribution to improving the lives stutterers over the past seventy-years. The organization has published numerous books and brochures, DVDs and educational materials that are both accessible to professionals and the general public.

Malcolm was awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association in 1984.

While adults and children with speech problems, including stuttering, can now make use of a range of speech tools. In the 20th-century, however, everyone was forced to use traditional Speech Therapy. Malcolm learned how to manage his stutters through speech therapy sessions with Dr. Frederick Martin.

Do you desire to set up a business? Don’t let your stutters deter you from starting a business. It’s just one aspect of who you are. It doesn’t define your personality.

Start writing your business plan as soon as possible! Malcolm Fraser has shown that it is possible to run a successful company and do so much more than you think.


Arthur Blank, an American businessman and founder ‘The Home Depot’ — the fastest-growing U.S. retail chain in history – has a net Worth worth $6.3B as at the time of writing.

According to American Institute for Stuttering Arthur Blank was a child who suffered from stuttering his entire childhood.

Arthur worked for Handy Dan Hardware before he founded his own business. He rose through the ranks at Handy Dan Hardware and left the company when he was ready launch ‘The Home Depot in 1978. The company generated $110.2B of revenue in 2019.

Recent $20m donation by the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation to The University of Texas was made. The funds will go to a new institute that is focused on stuttering research and education. The institute will do research in stuttering treatments.

“Today we’re very proud to announce our establishment of the Arthur M. Blank Center of Stuttering Education and Research,” read a release of University of Texas at Austin.

Arthur announced just days before that he would donate $200m to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

By Remi